Tutor Exit Interview Tutor Exit Interview We appreciate the time you dedicated to volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council. We would appreciate your feedback regarding your experience, so we can assure a positive experience for future volunteers. Please note that your answers are confidential. If you wish for someone to contact you to discuss any of your concerns further, please provide your name and phone number or email in the box below. Thank you for your response!We appreciate the time you dedicated to volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council. We would appreciate your feedback regarding your experience, so we can assure a positive experience for future volunteers. Please note that your answers are confidential. If you wish for someone to contact you to discuss any of your concerns further, please provide your name and phone number or email in the box below. Thank you for your response!Why have you decided to discontinue tutoring with Oakland Literacy Council?Why have you decided to discontinue tutoring with Oakland Literacy Council?Do you believe that Oakland Literacy Council prepared/supported you well for tutoring?Do you believe that Oakland Literacy Council prepared/supported you well for tutoring?YesNoIf you answered 'No' to the previous question, what support and/or training do you believe could have been provided that would have prepared you better?If you answered 'No' to the previous question, what support and/or training do you believe could have been provided that would have prepared you better?What did you enjoy about volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council?What did you enjoy about volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council?What didn't you enjoy about volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council?What didn't you enjoy about volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council?Is there anything Oakland Literacy Council should consider doing to improve the tutoring experience for future volunteers?Is there anything Oakland Literacy Council should consider doing to improve the tutoring experience for future volunteers?Would you consider volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council again in the future?Would you consider volunteering with Oakland Literacy Council again in the future?YesNo Δ